Discover the Air Conditioning Jewel in the Crown of Connecticut’s Cities


East Coast Mechanical is not just another AC service company but a critical part of the fabric that makes up the unique charm of our beloved Connecticut cities including Wallingford, Waterbury, Hamden, Southington and Meriden.

As your local trusted AC Company, we’ve been providing top-rated AC Repair services for the better part of a century. Every summer, our dedicated and skilled team ensures that families and businesses can weather the heat in cool comfort. Every winter, we work tirelessly to provide effective AC maintenance, to ensure that once Spring arrives, our customers’ air conditioning systems are ready to brave the heat once again.

Our experience spans across different models and types of air conditioning systems. Over the years, we have sharpened our skills, culminating in our ability to guide you through every step of AC Installation. We assist in choosing the best model for your space, installing it with professional precision and guiding you on how best to maintain it.

Our service extends well beyond the confines of our office; we have actively invested time and energy into building a vibrant community. We believe in the importance of understanding the needs of our customers and being an integral part of our local neighborhoods. Finding the perfect balance between professional HVAC expertise and warm, friendly service is what sets East Coast Mechanical apart.

For those who call Wallingford, Southington, Waterbury, Hamden and Meriden home, cherish the peace knowing that East Coast Mechanical is always at your service.